Table Design

Look at the top of the screen. When you select a Table, the Table Tools should become available.

Made You Look: Microsoft Word may or may not automatically switch from the Insert Ribbon to the Table Tools. If not, please click on Table Tools to see the Layout Ribbon.


Here is the Plan: The left hand column can be merged into one super cell to use for the web site index. Come with me.

Try it: Merge the Cells

Select cells A1 and A2.

Go to Table Tools-> Layout.

Look for the Merge Group and select Merge Cells.

Memo to Self: The vertical Columns are named A, B, C. The horizontal Rows are named 1, 2, 3. The Cells (the boxes) are named with both: the Column and the Row. Cell A1 would be the first Cell in the upper left corner.

Exam 77-418 Microsoft Word 2013
3.0  Create Tables and Lists
3.2  Modify A Table: Merge Cells




Table Tools -> Layout -> Merge-> Merge Cells