


Exam 77-426 Microsoft Word 2013 Expert
3.0 Create Advanced References
3.1 Create and Manage Indexes: Mark Index Entries



Mark an Index Entry

What Do You See?  The text you selected will be the Main entry. You can add a Subentry if you wish. At the bottom of this screen you can check whether you want a Bold or Italic page number format.


What Else Do You see? You can use this dialogue box to create a Cross-reference as well. A cross-reference is another entry that supports or explains this topic.

2. Try This, Too: Select several more topics and mark each topic for entry to include them in the Index.

Mark for each Index Entry.
Close this window and keep going...

Memo to Self:
When you mark an entry for the index you are adding a bit of code to the text, just like the Styles.


The Show/Hide command will reveal the Index code:{XE "Control"}. .


References -> Index ->Mark Entry