Promote and Demote
In the previous example, we created a bulleted list with several product names. SmartArt can also display a multi-leveled list.


2. Try This: Demote the Text

Select the SmartArt Diagram, first.

The Text Pane should be visible.

Select one of the items in the bulleted list:

Red Delicious.


Go to SmartArt Tools->Design.

Go to Create Graphic.

Click on Demote.



What Do You See?

"Red Delicious" is now a new bullet under Apple on both the Text Pane as well as the Shape in the SmartArt Diagram.

Keep going...


Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
5. Create Charts and Objects 
5.3 Insert and Format an Object: Edit the SmartArt Layout (Promote/Demote)


SmartArt Tools -> Design-> Create Graphic-> Demote