Exam 77-428 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
3. Create Advanced Formulas
3.4 Create Scenarios: Consolidate Data


Data -> Data Tools ->What-If Analysis -> Scenario Manager->Summary


4. Try it: Show the New Scenarios
The Scenario Manager is still open.
Click Summary.
You will be prompted that the results are for E29.
Click OK.

Excel will create a new Summary Sheet with all of the Scenarios: Current Values, Expected Price, Best Case, Worst Case, Change Everything and Change Back.

That's Scenarios: a useful tool for analyzing your data. You can save your spreadsheet.

This lesson began with a discussion of the simple Outline Tools: Group, Outline and Subtotal. The purpose of these tools is to organize and visualize the data.


The lesson continued with the Data Tools. Our What-If Analysis included Goal Seek, for when you already have an answer in mind. The other analytical tool is the Scenario Manager. We walked through several different Scenarios that changed the Reference Cells.

Well, you done good. Go get two cookies.
