Exam 77-418 Microsoft Word 2013
2.0  Format Text, Paragraphs, and Sections
2.2  Format Text and Paragraphs : Highlight Text Selections

Microsoft Word 2013




Select the Text

Try it: Select the Text
Double click on the word “Michigan” to select it. You should see a grey box around the text when it is selected.

Single click just places your cursor.

Double click on a word to select it.

Triple click to select a paragraph.

Old tricks: To select a line of type, place your cursor between the edge of the paper and the first letter of type for the sentences you want to highlight. The cursor changes from an I-beam to a white arrow. Click and hold your left mouse button to drag and select the type you want.

Keep going...

Memo to Self: Nothing happens on a computer until you select it, first.