Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
2. Create Cells and Ranges
2.2 Format Cells and Ranges: Merge Cells


Home -> Alignment -> Merge and Center

Links and Hyperlinks

A spreadsheet can include Hyperlinks to additional information. Hyperlinks can take you to a website or they can link to other spreadsheets. A hyperlink can be added to text or graphics. This demo will add a picture to the Sparkline sheet.


1. Before You Begin: Review the Spreadsheet

The lesson began on the Sparkline sheet.

We started by merging two Cells. If you missed that step, please do it now.
Select Cell A1:B1.

Go to Home -> Alignment.

Click on Merge and Center.


What Do You See? Cells A1 and B1 are merged together. In the example on this page Row 1 has been made taller.


Keep going...
