Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
1. Create and Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
1.1 Create Worksheets and Workbooks: Delete a Sheet


Home -> Cells -> Delete->Delete Sheet


Delete a Worksheet

If you can Insert a spreadsheet, then you can also Delete a spreadsheet.


7. Try This: Delete a Sheet

Select the new BLANK spreadsheet.
Select Cell A1. Type: Sample.

Go to Home -> Cells -> Delete.

Click on Delete Sheet.


But Wait...! What Do You See? If the sheet has data (text, numbers, graphics, anything) then you will be warned that the data will be deleted... Permanently.

There is no Undo.


Click Delete. The sheet will be deleted..


Memo to Self: When you delete a blank spreadsheet, you won't lose any data so you may not see the warning message.
