
Advanced ->Perspective-> Select

Make a Custom Perspective

4. Try This: Select Another Perspective
The PowerPivot window is still open.
Go to Advanced ->Perspective->Select.

Click on Paris.

What Do You See? The data in tblProducts has been formatted and filtered for "Paris" view. It is a COPY of the Boston view so we need to select a different currency and edit the Filters.

OK, Do This: Format the Currency
Select a Field: Price.
Go to Home->Formatting->Accounting.

Select a Format: Euro.

And Do This: Edit the Field Filters
Select a Field: Discontinued.
Go to Home->Sort and Filter->Select All.

Click OK.

The Table, tblProducts, has been filtered to show all of the Items-including the discontinued ones.

Keep going...

Exam 77-427 Microsoft Excel 2013 Expert
2. Apply Custom Formats and Layouts
2.4 Prepare a Workbook for Internationalization and Accessibility: Use International Symbols