
Exam 77-427 Microsoft Excel 2013 Expert
4. Create Advanced Charts and Tables
4.2 Create and Manage PivotTables: Manage Relationships

Create a Relationship

What Do You See? The Manage Relationships window will open, but it will be blank.
Click on New.

A Join window will prompt you to choose two Tables that you would like to Join.

tblProducts lists all of the tasty items in the Access database. This Table also has two Fields that look up data from other Tables:

The Fields Match, Match, Match. They are the same kind of data (text, not numbers.)

7. Do This: Create a New Relationship

Select a Table: tblProducts.
Select a Column: Type.
Select a Related Table: Table_tblType.

Select a Related Column: Type.


Click OK. You will return to Manage Relationships.

Keep going...

PivotChart Tools->Analyze->Calculations-> Relationships->New