
Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
2. Apply Custom Formats and Layouts
2.4 Prepare a Workbook for Internationalization and Accessibility: Use International Symbols

Format the Data

Say you needed to send this PivotChart to the office in Boston as well as to the one in Paris. PowerPivot lets you format the information for different audiences.

The following pages will edit the PowerPivot for "Boston," United States. Then we'll create a different Perspective for "Paris, " France.

7. Try This: Format the Currency

Select a Field: Price.
Go to Home->Formatting->Currency.

Select a Format: $ English (United States).
What Do You See? There are several Currency Symbols. For example, there are two different Symbols for English, depending on the monetary system. Paris, France, uses the Euro not the French Franc (fr) circulated in Switzerland.

(Go figure). Keep going...

IImportant to Note: The Field Values are defined as a Data Type. The Types include Text, Number, Integer, (whole number), Date/Time and others.

The Data Type for this Field is Decimal Number.

Home ->Formatting-> Currency
