
Review the Code

7. Try it: Review the Code

The Macro Code starts with:

Sub UpdateProducts()

Where Sub means Subroutine.
It finishes at the bottom with:
End Sub


The next five lines are Comments. The Comments have a quote mark. These Comments include the name and description for the Macro.


Application.ReplaceFormat.Font goes from: With to End With. This Visual Basic code edits the Font, Size, and Themecolor.

The second action, Cells.Replace, defines where to look (Cells), what to look for, (Replace What), the Replacement, and the SearchOrder.

So, VBA code makes some sense if you look for the clues.

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Exam 77-420 Microsoft Excel 2013
1. Create and Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
1.4 Customize Options and Views for Worksheets and Workbooks: Edit Simple Macros


Developer ->Code-> Macros-> Edit