
Add a Time Line

A Time Line is a special PivotChart Filter. It acts like a super Slicer. The Original Data for this PivotChart includes the Date the product was sold. This Time Line will use that Date.

The Timeline is added to the PivotChart.
So start by clicking on the PivotChart.
The PivotChart Tools will be available.


5. Try it: Add a Time Line

Go to PivotChart Tools->Analyze->Filter.

Click on Insert Timeline.

What Do You See? You will be prompted to select a Field for the Time.
Select: Date.

Keep going...

Memo to Self: A good administrator knows the data. Before you begin please go to the Original Data sheet and review the numbers!

Exam 77-427 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
4. Create Advanced Charts and Tables
4.1 Create Advanced Chart Elements: Add Timelines to Charts

PivotChart Tools ->Analyze ->Filter-> Insert Timeline

