
Exam 77-427 Microsoft Excel 2013 EXPERT
4. Create Advanced Charts and Tables
4.2   Create and Manage PivotTables: Format Data (PivotTable Styles)

PivotTable Style Options

The PivotTable Style Options offer quick formatting choices. Here are the steps.

2. Try it: Edit the PivotTable Style Options

Select the PivotTable.

Go to PivotTable Tools ->Design.

Go to PivotTable Style Options.

Select: Banded Rows.


What Do You See? In this example, the Banded Rows have been formatted with a bottom border.


OK, that about does the discussion on the PivotTable Design Ribbon.


Memo to Self: If you select Banded Columns, the Columns will be outlined with vertical borders as well.


PivotTable Tools ->Design-> PivotTable Style Options->Style