
Exam 77-424: Microsoft Access 2013
3.0 Create Queries
3.1 Create a Query: Run Action Queries (Make Table)

Review the Data

Did all of the Records get copied to the new Table when we ran the Make Table Query?


5. Try it: Review the Data

Go to All Access Objects->Tables.

Open a Table: tblArchivedMovies.


What Do You See? There should be 73 Records in tblArchivedMovies.

Close tblArchivedMovies.

OK. Save and Close ArchiveMovieMT.


Little Summary: There are two Queries that can be modified and reused for archiving.


ArchiveMovieUQ: This Query uses a Criteria to Filter the Records by Year. It is an Update Query that will change the Archived Field to "Yes" for all of the selected Records.


ArchiveMovieMT: This Query uses the same Criteria to Filter the Records by Year. The Records that match the Criteria are copied into a Table named tblArchivedMovies.

Query Tools ->Design->Query Type-> Make Table